Get started today with our range of financing solutions
Berkeley focuses on the strength of a transaction rather than merely on the financial stability of the client thereby offering greater flexibility to construct a financing package which meets the client’s needs. Our facilities can assist in every aspect of the supply chain, from product purchasing through to final collection of monies with timely and efficient management of the sales ledger.
Directors Soheill Sarkoob and Steven Pleace have a combined experience of more than 45 years within transaction based funding including: invoice, export, import and stock finance. Berkeley is an independent company and has the flexibility and speed to react promptly to clients needs.
Berkeley offers facilities to start ups, independent traders, established small companies, as well as larger companies, that may be experiencing funding or growing problems with their existing bankers or debt concentration problems with factors. We offer financing ranging from £25,000 to £1 million.
We have a network of banks, corporate advisors, asset based lenders, freight forwarders and logistic companies which can be utilised to provide a comprehensive solution to the hurdles of international trade.
Flexibility and professionalism are the keywords in the philosophy of Berkeley, working with clients to provide seamless transaction processes.
Please also accept my heartfelt thanks for making this happen, I know that you went far beyond what should have been expected and we are extremely grateful for the flexibility you have afforded us.
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